
00001 /*********************************************************************
00002  * test-book-merge.c -- test implementation api for QoFBook merge    *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Neil Williams <linux@codehelp.co.uk>      *
00004  *                                                                   *
00005  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     *
00006  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    *
00007  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of    *
00008  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.               *
00009  *                                                                   *
00010  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   *
00011  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    *
00013  * GNU General Public License for more details.                      *
00014  *                                                                   *
00015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
00016  * along with this program; if not, contact:                         *
00017  *                                                                   *
00018  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
00019  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
00020  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                   *
00021  *                                                                   *
00022  ********************************************************************/
00023  /* Test the qof_book_merge infrastructure.  */
00025 #include <glib.h>
00026 #include "qof.h"
00027 #include "qofinstance-p.h"
00028 #include "qofevent-p.h"
00029 #include "test-stuff.h"
00031 #define TEST_MODULE_NAME "book-merge-test"
00032 #define TEST_MODULE_DESC "Test Book Merge"
00033 #define OBJ_NAME "somename"
00034 #define OBJ_AMOUNT "anamount"
00035 #define OBJ_DATE "nottoday"
00036 #define OBJ_GUID "unique"
00037 #define OBJ_DISCOUNT "hefty"
00038 #define OBJ_VERSION "early"
00039 #define OBJ_MINOR "tiny"
00040 #define OBJ_ACTIVE "ofcourse"
00041 #define OBJ_FLAG   "tiny_flag"
00043 static void test_rule_loop (QofBookMergeData *, QofBookMergeRule *,
00044                             guint);
00045 static void test_merge (void);
00046 gboolean myobjRegister (void);
00047 #ifdef TEST_DEBUG
00048 static QofLogModule log_module = QOF_MOD_MERGE;
00049 #endif
00051 /* simple object structure */
00052 typedef struct obj_s
00053 {
00054     QofInstance inst;
00055     gchar *Name;
00056     gchar flag;
00057     QofNumeric Amount;
00058     const GUID *obj_guid;
00059     QofTime *date;
00060     gdouble discount;           /* cheap pun, I know. */
00061     gboolean active;
00062     gint32 version;
00063     gint64 minor;
00064 } myobj;
00066 static void
00067 obj_setGUID (myobj * g, const GUID * h)
00068 {
00069     if (!g)
00070         return;
00071     g->obj_guid = h;
00072 }
00074 static myobj *
00075 obj_create (QofBook * book)
00076 {
00077     myobj *g;
00078     g_return_val_if_fail (book, NULL);
00079     g = g_new (myobj, 1);
00080     qof_instance_init (&g->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, book);
00081     obj_setGUID (g, qof_instance_get_guid (&g->inst));
00082     g->discount = 0;
00083     g->active = TRUE;
00084     g->version = 1;
00085     g->minor = 1;
00086     g->flag = 'n';
00087     qof_event_gen (&g->inst.entity, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
00088     return g;
00089 }
00091 static void
00092 obj_setFlag (myobj * g, char f)
00093 {
00094     g_return_if_fail (g);
00095     g->flag = f;
00096 }
00098 static gchar
00099 obj_getFlag (myobj * g)
00100 {
00101     g_return_val_if_fail (g, 'n');
00102     return g->flag;
00103 }
00105 static void
00106 obj_setMinor (myobj * g, gint64 h)
00107 {
00108     g_return_if_fail (g != NULL);
00109     g->minor = h;
00110 }
00112 static gint64
00113 obj_getMinor (myobj * g)
00114 {
00115     g_return_val_if_fail ((g != NULL), 0);
00116     return g->minor;
00117 }
00119 static void
00120 obj_setVersion (myobj * g, gint32 h)
00121 {
00122     g_return_if_fail (g != NULL);
00123     g->version = h;
00124 }
00126 static gint32
00127 obj_getVersion (myobj * g)
00128 {
00129     if (!g)
00130         return 0;
00131     return g->version;
00132 }
00134 static void
00135 obj_setActive (myobj * g, gboolean h)
00136 {
00137     if (!g)
00138         return;
00139     g->active = h;
00140 }
00142 static gboolean
00143 obj_getActive (myobj * g)
00144 {
00145     if (!g)
00146         return FALSE;
00147     return g->active;
00148 }
00150 static void
00151 obj_setDiscount (myobj * g, gdouble h)
00152 {
00153     if (!g)
00154         return;
00155     g->discount = h;
00156 }
00158 static gdouble
00159 obj_getDiscount (myobj * g)
00160 {
00161     if (!g)
00162         return 0;
00163     return g->discount;
00164 }
00166 static void
00167 obj_setDate (myobj * g, QofTime *h)
00168 {
00169     if (!g)
00170         return;
00171     do_test ((h != NULL), "passed a NULL time");
00172     do_test ((qof_time_is_valid (h) == TRUE), 
00173         "passed an invalid time");
00174     g->date = h;
00175 }
00177 static QofTime *
00178 obj_getDate (myobj * g)
00179 {
00180     if (!g)
00181         return NULL;
00182     do_test ((g->date != NULL), "stored time is NULL");
00183     do_test ((qof_time_is_valid (g->date) == TRUE), 
00184         "stored time is invalid");
00185     return g->date;
00186 }
00188 static const GUID *
00189 obj_getGUID (myobj * g)
00190 {
00191     if (!g)
00192         return NULL;
00193     return g->obj_guid;
00194 }
00196 static void
00197 obj_setName (myobj * g, char *h)
00198 {
00199     if (!g || !h)
00200         return;
00201     g->Name = strdup (h);
00202 }
00204 static gchar *
00205 obj_getName (myobj * g)
00206 {
00207     if (!g)
00208         return NULL;
00209     return g->Name;
00210 }
00212 static void
00213 obj_setAmount (myobj * g, QofNumeric h)
00214 {
00215     if (!g)
00216         return;
00217     g->Amount = h;
00218 }
00220 static QofNumeric
00221 obj_getAmount (myobj * g)
00222 {
00223     if (!g)
00224         return qof_numeric_zero ();
00225     return g->Amount;
00226 }
00228 static QofObject obj_object_def = {
00229   .interface_version = QOF_OBJECT_VERSION,
00230   .e_type = TEST_MODULE_NAME,
00231   .type_label = TEST_MODULE_DESC,
00232   .create = (gpointer) obj_create,
00233   .book_begin = NULL,
00234   .book_end = NULL,
00235   .is_dirty = NULL,
00236   .mark_clean = NULL,
00237   .foreach = qof_collection_foreach,
00238   .printable = NULL,
00239   .version_cmp = (gint (*)(gpointer, gpointer)) 
00240                 qof_instance_version_cmp,
00241 };
00243 gboolean
00244 myobjRegister (void)
00245 {
00246     static QofParam params[] = {
00247         {OBJ_NAME, QOF_TYPE_STRING, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getName,
00248          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setName, NULL},
00249         {OBJ_AMOUNT, QOF_TYPE_NUMERIC, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getAmount,
00250          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setAmount, NULL},
00251         {OBJ_GUID, QOF_TYPE_GUID, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getGUID,
00252          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setGUID, NULL},
00253         {OBJ_DATE, QOF_TYPE_TIME, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getDate,
00254          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setDate, NULL},
00255         {OBJ_DISCOUNT, QOF_TYPE_DOUBLE, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getDiscount,
00256          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setDiscount, NULL},
00257         {OBJ_ACTIVE, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getActive,
00258          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setActive, NULL},
00259         {OBJ_VERSION, QOF_TYPE_INT32, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getVersion,
00260          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setVersion, NULL},
00261         {OBJ_MINOR, QOF_TYPE_INT64, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getMinor,
00262          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setMinor, NULL},
00263         {OBJ_FLAG, QOF_TYPE_CHAR, (QofAccessFunc) obj_getFlag,
00264          (QofSetterFunc) obj_setFlag, NULL},
00265         {QOF_PARAM_BOOK, QOF_ID_BOOK, (QofAccessFunc) qof_instance_get_book,
00266          NULL, NULL},
00267         {QOF_PARAM_GUID, QOF_TYPE_GUID, (QofAccessFunc) qof_instance_get_guid,
00268          NULL, NULL},
00269         {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},
00270     };
00272     qof_class_register (TEST_MODULE_NAME, NULL, params);
00274     return qof_object_register (&obj_object_def);
00275 }
00277 static void
00278 test_merge (void)
00279 {
00280     QofBook *target, *import;
00281     gdouble init_value, discount;
00282     myobj *import_obj, *target_obj, *new_obj;
00283     gint result;
00284     QofTime *base_time, *temp_time;
00285     gboolean active;
00286     gint32 version;
00287     gint64 minor;
00288     gchar *import_init, *target_init;
00289     gchar flag, flag_check;
00290     QofNumeric obj_amount;
00291     QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
00293     target = qof_book_new ();
00294     import = qof_book_new ();
00295     init_value = 1.00;
00296     result = 0;
00297     flag = get_random_character ();
00298     discount = 0.175;
00299     active = TRUE;
00300     version = get_random_int_in_range (0, 10000);
00301     minor = get_random_int_in_range (1000001, 2000000);
00302     import_init = "test";
00303     target_init = "testing";
00304     base_time = qof_time_set (1153309194, 568714241);
00305     do_test ((TRUE == qof_time_is_valid (base_time)), 
00306         "invalid init time");
00307     {
00308         gchar *str;
00309         QofDate *qd;
00311         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (base_time);
00312         str = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00313         do_test ((0 == safe_strcmp (
00314             "2006-07-19 11:39:54.568714241 +0000", str)),
00315             "failed to compare base_time correctly.");
00316         g_free (str);
00317         qof_date_free (qd);
00318     }
00320     do_test ((NULL != target), "#1 target book is NULL");
00321     do_test ((NULL != import), "#2 import book is NULL");
00323     /* import book objects - tests used */
00324     import_obj = g_new (myobj, 1);
00325     do_test ((NULL != import_obj), "#3 new object create");
00326     qof_instance_init (&import_obj->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, import);
00327     do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->inst), "#4 instance init");
00328     obj_setGUID (import_obj, qof_instance_get_guid (&import_obj->inst));
00329     do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->obj_guid), "#5 guid set");
00330     qof_event_gen (&import_obj->inst.entity, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
00331     do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->inst.entity), "#6 gnc event create");
00332     obj_setName (import_obj, import_init);
00333     do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->Name), "#7 string set");
00334     obj_amount = qof_numeric_from_double (init_value, 1, QOF_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
00335     obj_setAmount (import_obj, obj_amount);
00336     do_test ((qof_numeric_check (obj_getAmount (import_obj)) == QOF_ERROR_OK),
00337              "#8 gnc_numeric set");
00338     obj_setActive (import_obj, active);
00339     do_test ((FALSE != &import_obj->active), "#9 gboolean set");
00340     obj_setDiscount (import_obj, discount);
00341     obj_setVersion (import_obj, version);
00342     do_test ((version == import_obj->version), "#11 gint32 set");
00343     obj_setMinor (import_obj, minor);
00344     do_test ((minor == import_obj->minor), "#12 gint64 set");
00345     do_test ((TRUE == qof_time_is_valid (base_time)), 
00346         "invalid import time ts");
00347     {
00348         gchar *str;
00349         QofDate *qd;
00351         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (base_time);
00352         str = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00353         do_test ((0 == safe_strcmp (
00354             "2006-07-19 11:39:54.568714241 +0000", str)),
00355             "failed to compare base_time correctly.");
00356         g_free (str);
00357         qof_date_free (qd);
00358     }
00359     obj_setDate (import_obj, base_time);
00360     do_test ((TRUE == qof_time_is_valid (import_obj->date)), 
00361         "invalid import time");
00362     do_test ((qof_time_cmp (base_time, import_obj->date) == 0), 
00363         "test #13 date set");
00364     obj_setFlag (import_obj, flag);
00365     do_test ((flag == obj_getFlag (import_obj)), "#14 flag set");
00367     obj_amount =
00368         qof_numeric_add (obj_amount, obj_amount, 1, QOF_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
00369     discount = get_random_double ();
00370     version = 2;
00371     minor = 3;
00373     /* second import object - test results would be the same, so not tested. */
00374     new_obj = g_new (myobj, 1);
00375     qof_instance_init (&new_obj->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, import);
00376     obj_setGUID (new_obj, qof_instance_get_guid (&new_obj->inst));
00377     qof_event_gen (&new_obj->inst.entity, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
00378     obj_setName (new_obj, import_init);
00379     obj_setAmount (new_obj, obj_amount);
00380     obj_setActive (new_obj, active);
00381     obj_setDiscount (new_obj, discount);
00382     obj_setVersion (new_obj, version);
00383     obj_setMinor (new_obj, minor);
00384     do_test ((TRUE == qof_time_is_valid (base_time)), 
00385         "second import time invalid");
00386     {
00387         gchar *str;
00388         QofDate *qd;
00390         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (base_time);
00391         str = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00392         do_test ((0 == safe_strcmp (
00393             "2006-07-19 11:39:54.568714241 +0000", str)),
00394             "failed to compare base_time correctly.");
00395         g_free (str);
00396         qof_date_free (qd);
00397     }
00398     obj_setDate (new_obj, base_time);
00399     obj_setFlag (new_obj, flag);
00401     obj_amount =
00402         qof_numeric_add (obj_amount, obj_amount, 1, QOF_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
00403     discount = get_random_double ();
00404     version = 2;
00405     minor = 3;
00406     flag = 'z';
00408     /* target object - test results would be the same, so not tested. */
00409     target_obj = g_new (myobj, 1);
00410     qof_instance_init (&target_obj->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, target);
00411     obj_setGUID (target_obj, qof_instance_get_guid (&target_obj->inst));
00412     qof_event_gen (&target_obj->inst.entity, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
00413     obj_setName (target_obj, target_init);
00414     obj_setAmount (target_obj, obj_amount);
00415     obj_setActive (target_obj, active);
00416     obj_setDiscount (target_obj, discount);
00417     obj_setVersion (target_obj, version);
00418     obj_setMinor (target_obj, minor);
00419     {
00420         gchar *str;
00421         QofDate *qd;
00423         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (base_time);
00424         str = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00425         do_test ((0 == safe_strcmp (
00426             "2006-07-19 11:39:54.568714241 +0000", str)),
00427             "failed to compare base_time correctly.");
00428         g_free (str);
00429         qof_date_free (qd);
00430     }
00431     temp_time = qof_time_add_secs_copy (base_time, 65);
00432     do_test ((TRUE == qof_time_is_valid (temp_time)), 
00433         "time add secs returned invalid");
00434     obj_setDate (target_obj, temp_time);
00435     obj_setFlag (target_obj, flag);
00436     do_test ((flag == obj_getFlag (target_obj)), "#15 flag set");
00438     mergeData = qof_book_merge_init (import, target);
00439     do_test (mergeData != NULL,
00440              "FATAL: Merge could not be initialised!\t aborting . . ");
00441     g_return_if_fail (mergeData != NULL);
00442     qof_book_merge_rule_foreach (mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_REPORT);
00443     qof_book_merge_rule_foreach (mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_UPDATE);
00444     qof_book_merge_rule_foreach (mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_NEW);
00445     /* reserved calls - test only */
00446     qof_book_merge_rule_foreach (mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_ABSOLUTE);
00447     qof_book_merge_rule_foreach (mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_DUPLICATE);
00449     /* import should not be in the target - pass if import_init fails match with target */
00450     do_test (((safe_strcmp (obj_getName (import_obj), 
00451                obj_getName (target_obj))) != 0), 
00452                "Init value test #1");
00454     /* a good commit returns zero */
00455     do_test (qof_book_merge_commit (mergeData) == 0, "Commit failed");
00457     /* import should be in the target - pass if import_init matches target */
00458     do_test (((safe_strcmp (import_init, obj_getName (target_obj))) == 0),
00459              "Merged value test #1");
00461     /* import should be the same as target - pass if values are the same */
00462     do_test (((safe_strcmp
00463                (obj_getName (target_obj), obj_getName (import_obj))) == 0),
00464              "Merged value test #2");
00466     /* check that the Amount really is a gnc_numeric */
00467     do_test ((qof_numeric_check (obj_getAmount (import_obj)) == QOF_ERROR_OK),
00468              "import gnc_numeric check");
00469     do_test ((qof_numeric_check (obj_getAmount (target_obj)) == QOF_ERROR_OK),
00470              "target gnc_numeric check");
00472     /* obj_amount was changed after the import object was set, so expect a difference. */
00473     do_test ((qof_numeric_compare (obj_getAmount (import_obj), obj_amount) !=
00474               QOF_ERROR_OK), "gnc_numeric value check #1");
00476     /* obj_amount is in the target object with the import value, expect a difference/ */
00477     do_test ((qof_numeric_compare (obj_getAmount (target_obj), obj_amount) !=
00478               QOF_ERROR_OK), "gnc_numeric value check #2");
00480     /* target had a different date, so import date should now be set */
00481     qof_time_free (temp_time);
00482     temp_time = target_obj->date;
00483     {
00484         gchar *str;
00485         QofDate *qd;
00487         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (base_time);
00488         str = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00489         do_test ((0 == safe_strcmp (
00490             "2006-07-19 11:39:54.568714241 +0000", str)),
00491             "failed to compare base_time after merge.");
00492         g_free (str);
00493         qof_date_free (qd);
00494     }
00495     {
00496         gchar *str;
00497         QofDate *qd;
00499         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (temp_time);
00500         str = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00501         do_test ((0 == safe_strcmp (
00502             "2006-07-19 11:39:54.568714241 +0000", str)),
00503             "failed to compare target time after merge.");
00504         g_free (str);
00505         qof_date_free (qd);
00506     }
00507     do_test ((qof_time_cmp (base_time, temp_time) == 0), 
00508         "date value check: 1");
00509 #ifdef TEST_DEBUG
00510     DEBUG (" import<->target=%d\n", 
00511         (qof_time_cmp (base_time, target_obj->date)));
00512     {
00513         QofDate *qd;
00514         gchar *check;
00516         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (base_time);
00517         DEBUG (" base_time=%" G_GINT64_FORMAT
00518         " nsecs=%ld", qof_time_get_secs (base_time),
00519         qof_time_get_nanosecs (base_time));
00520         DEBUG (" import:\nyear=%" G_GINT64_FORMAT
00521         " month=%ld day=%ld hour=%ld min=%ld sec=%"
00522         G_GINT64_FORMAT "nsecs=%ld\n",
00523         qd->qd_year, qd->qd_mon, qd->qd_mday, qd->qd_hour,
00524         qd->qd_min, qd->qd_sec, qd->qd_nanosecs);
00525         check = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00526         DEBUG (" import=%s\n", check);
00527         qof_date_free (qd);
00528         qd = qof_date_from_qtime (target_obj->date);
00529         if (!qd)
00530             PERR ("qd failed");
00531         DEBUG (" target:\nyear=%" G_GINT64_FORMAT
00532         " month=%ld day=%ld hour=%ld min=%ld sec=%"
00533         G_GINT64_FORMAT "nsecs=%ld\n",
00534         qd->qd_year, qd->qd_mon, qd->qd_mday, qd->qd_hour,
00535         qd->qd_min, qd->qd_sec, qd->qd_nanosecs);
00536         check = qof_date_print (qd, QOF_DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601);
00537         DEBUG (" target=%s\n", check);
00538         g_free (check);
00539         qof_date_free (qd);
00540     }
00541 #endif
00542     qof_time_free (base_time);
00543     /* import should be the same as target - pass if values are the same */
00544     flag_check = obj_getFlag (target_obj);
00545     do_test ((flag_check == obj_getFlag (import_obj)), "flag value check: 1");
00546     do_test ((obj_getFlag (import_obj) == obj_getFlag (target_obj)),
00547              "flag value check: 2");
00548 }
00550 static void
00551 test_rule_loop (QofBookMergeData * mergeData, QofBookMergeRule * rule,
00552                 guint remainder)
00553 {
00554     GSList *testing;
00555     QofParam *eachParam;
00556     gchar *importstring;
00557     gchar *targetstring;
00558     gboolean skip_target;
00560     importstring = NULL;
00561     targetstring = NULL;
00562     skip_target = FALSE;
00563     mergeData->currentRule = rule;
00564     do_test ((rule != NULL), "loop:#1 Rule is NULL");
00565     do_test (remainder > 0, "loop:#2 remainder error.");
00566     do_test ((safe_strcmp (NULL, rule->mergeLabel) != 0),
00567              "loop:#3 object label\n");
00568     do_test ((rule->importEnt != NULL), 
00569         "loop:#4 empty import entity");
00570     /* targetEnt is always NULL at this stage if MERGE_NEW is set */
00571     if (rule->targetEnt == NULL)
00572     {
00573         skip_target = TRUE;
00574     }
00575     if (!skip_target)
00576     {
00577         do_test ((safe_strcmp
00578                   (rule->importEnt->e_type, rule->targetEnt->e_type) == 0),
00579                  "loop: entity type mismatch");
00580     }
00581     do_test ((rule->mergeParam != NULL), 
00582         "loop: empty parameter list");
00583     testing = rule->mergeParam;
00585     while (testing != NULL)
00586     {                           // start of param loop
00587         eachParam = testing->data;
00588         do_test ((eachParam != NULL), "loop:#8 no QofParam data");
00589         do_test ((eachParam->param_name != NULL),
00590                  "loop:#9 no parameter name");
00591         do_test ((eachParam->param_getfcn != NULL),
00592                  "loop:#10 no get function");
00593         do_test ((eachParam->param_setfcn != NULL),
00594                  "loop:#11 no set function");
00595         /* non-generic - test routines only! */
00596         if (safe_strcmp (eachParam->param_type, QOF_TYPE_STRING) == 0)
00597         {
00598             importstring =
00599                 g_strdup (eachParam->
00600                           param_getfcn (rule->importEnt, eachParam));
00601             do_test ((importstring != NULL),
00602                      "loop:#12 direct get_fcn import");
00603             do_test ((safe_strcmp (importstring, "test") == 0),
00604                      "loop:#13 direct import comparison");
00605             if (!skip_target)
00606             {
00607                 targetstring =
00608                     eachParam->param_getfcn (rule->targetEnt, eachParam);
00609                 do_test ((targetstring != NULL),
00610                          "loop:#14 direct get_fcn target");
00611                 do_test ((safe_strcmp (targetstring, "testing") == 0),
00612                          "loop:#15 direct target comparison");
00613             }
00614         }
00615         /* param_as_string does the conversion for display purposes only */
00616         /* do NOT use as_string for calculations or set_fcn */
00617         importstring =
00618             qof_book_merge_param_as_string (eachParam, rule->importEnt);
00619         do_test ((importstring != NULL),
00620                  "loop:#16 import param_as_string is null");
00621         if (!skip_target)
00622         {
00623             targetstring =
00624                 qof_book_merge_param_as_string (eachParam, rule->targetEnt);
00625             do_test ((targetstring != NULL),
00626                      "loop:#17 target param_as_string is null");
00627         }
00628         testing = g_slist_next (testing);
00629     }       // end param loop
00630     /* set each rule dependent on the user involvement response above. */
00631     /* test routine just sets all MERGE_REPORT to MERGE_UPDATE */
00632     mergeData = qof_book_merge_update_result (mergeData, MERGE_UPDATE);
00633     do_test ((rule->mergeResult != MERGE_REPORT), 
00634         "update result fail");
00635 }
00637 int
00638 main (void)
00639 {
00640     qof_init ();
00641     myobjRegister ();
00642     test_merge ();
00643     print_test_results ();
00644     qof_close ();
00645     return get_rv();
00646 }

Generated on Thu Jan 31 22:50:26 2008 for QOF by  doxygen 1.5.4