
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *            qofreference.c
00003  *
00004  *  Mon Feb 13 21:06:44 2006
00005  *  Copyright  2006  Neil Williams
00006  *  linux@codehelp.co.uk
00007  ****************************************************************************/
00008 /*
00009  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012  *  (at your option) any later version.
00013  *
00014  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00018  *
00019  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00021  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00022  */
00024 #include "config.h"
00025 #include <glib.h>
00026 #include "qofreference.h"
00028 static void
00029 entity_set_reference_cb (QofEntity * ent, gpointer user_data)
00030 {
00031     void (*reference_setter) (QofEntity *, QofEntity *);
00032     void (*choice_setter) (QofEntity *, QofEntity *);
00033     void (*collect_setter) (QofEntity *, QofCollection *);
00034     QofEntityReference *ref;
00035     GList *book_ref_list;
00036     QofCollection *coll;
00037     QofIdType type;
00038     QofEntity *reference;
00039     QofBook *partial_book;
00041     partial_book = (QofBook *) user_data;
00042     g_return_if_fail (partial_book || ent);
00043     reference = NULL;
00044     coll = NULL;
00045     book_ref_list = qof_book_get_data (partial_book, ENTITYREFERENCE);
00046     while (book_ref_list)
00047     {
00048         ref = (QofEntityReference *) book_ref_list->data;
00049         if (0 == guid_compare (ref->ref_guid, qof_entity_get_guid (ent)))
00050         {
00051             /* avoid setting the entity's own guid as a reference. */
00052             book_ref_list = g_list_next (book_ref_list);
00053             continue;
00054         }
00055         if (qof_object_is_choice (ent->e_type))
00056         {
00057             type = ref->choice_type;
00058         }
00059         type = ref->param->param_type;
00060         coll = qof_book_get_collection (partial_book, type);
00061         reference = qof_collection_lookup_entity (coll, ref->ref_guid);
00062         reference_setter =
00063             (void (*)(QofEntity *, QofEntity *)) ref->param->param_setfcn;
00064         if ((reference) && (reference_setter))
00065         {
00066             qof_util_param_edit ((QofInstance *) ent, ref->param);
00067             qof_util_param_edit ((QofInstance *) reference, ref->param);
00068             reference_setter (ent, reference);
00069             qof_util_param_commit ((QofInstance *) ent, ref->param);
00070             qof_util_param_commit ((QofInstance *) reference, ref->param);
00071         }
00072         /* collect and choice handling */
00073         collect_setter =
00074             (void (*)(QofEntity *,
00075                 QofCollection *)) ref->param->param_setfcn;
00076         choice_setter =
00077             (void (*)(QofEntity *, QofEntity *)) ref->param->param_setfcn;
00078         if ((0 == safe_strcmp (ref->param->param_type, QOF_TYPE_COLLECT))
00079             && (0 == guid_compare (qof_entity_get_guid (ent),
00080                     ref->ent_guid))
00081             && (0 == safe_strcmp (ref->type, ent->e_type)))
00082         {
00083             QofCollection *temp_col;
00084             gchar cm_sa[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
00086             temp_col = ref->param->param_getfcn (ent, ref->param);
00087             coll = qof_book_get_collection (partial_book,
00088                 qof_collection_get_type (temp_col));
00089             guid_to_string_buff (ref->ref_guid, cm_sa);
00090             reference = qof_collection_lookup_entity (coll, ref->ref_guid);
00091             if (reference)
00092             {
00093                 qof_collection_add_entity (temp_col, reference);
00094                 qof_util_param_edit ((QofInstance *) ent, ref->param);
00095                 qof_util_param_edit ((QofInstance *) reference, ref->param);
00096                 if (collect_setter)
00097                 {
00098                     collect_setter (ent, temp_col);
00099                 }
00100                 qof_util_param_commit ((QofInstance *) ent, ref->param);
00101                 qof_util_param_commit ((QofInstance *) reference, ref->param);
00102                 qof_collection_destroy (temp_col);
00103             }
00104         }
00105         if (0 == safe_strcmp (ref->param->param_type, QOF_TYPE_CHOICE))
00106         {
00107             coll = qof_book_get_collection (partial_book, ref->type);
00108             reference = qof_collection_lookup_entity (coll, ref->ref_guid);
00109             qof_util_param_edit ((QofInstance *) ent, ref->param);
00110             qof_util_param_edit ((QofInstance *) reference, ref->param);
00111             if (choice_setter)
00112             {
00113                 choice_setter (ent, reference);
00114             }
00115             qof_util_param_commit ((QofInstance *) ent, ref->param);
00116             qof_util_param_commit ((QofInstance *) reference, ref->param);
00117         }
00118         book_ref_list = g_list_next (book_ref_list);
00119     }
00120 }
00122 static void
00123 set_each_type (QofObject * obj, gpointer user_data)
00124 {
00125     QofBook *book;
00127     book = (QofBook *) user_data;
00128     qof_object_foreach (obj->e_type, book, entity_set_reference_cb, book);
00129 }
00131 static QofEntityReference *
00132 create_reference (QofEntity * ent, const QofParam * param)
00133 {
00134     QofEntityReference *reference;
00135     QofEntity *ref_ent;
00136     const GUID *cm_guid;
00137     char cm_sa[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
00138     gchar *cm_string;
00140     ref_ent = (QofEntity *) param->param_getfcn (ent, param);
00141     if (!ref_ent)
00142     {
00143         return NULL;
00144     }
00145     reference = g_new0 (QofEntityReference, 1);
00146     reference->type = ent->e_type;
00147     reference->ref_guid = g_new (GUID, 1);
00148     reference->ent_guid = &ent->guid;
00149     if (qof_object_is_choice (ent->e_type))
00150     {
00151         reference->choice_type = ref_ent->e_type;
00152     }
00153     reference->param = param;
00154     cm_guid = qof_entity_get_guid (ref_ent);
00155     guid_to_string_buff (cm_guid, cm_sa);
00156     cm_string = g_strdup (cm_sa);
00157     if (TRUE == string_to_guid (cm_string, reference->ref_guid))
00158     {
00159         g_free (cm_string);
00160         return reference;
00161     }
00162     g_free (cm_string);
00163     return NULL;
00164 }
00166 QofEntityReference *
00167 qof_entity_get_reference_from (QofEntity * ent, const QofParam * param)
00168 {
00169     g_return_val_if_fail (param, NULL);
00170     param = qof_class_get_parameter (ent->e_type, param->param_name);
00171     g_return_val_if_fail (0 !=
00172         safe_strcmp (param->param_type, QOF_TYPE_COLLECT), NULL);
00173     return create_reference (ent, param);
00174 }
00176 void
00177 qof_book_set_references (QofBook * book)
00178 {
00179     gboolean partial;
00181     partial =
00182         (gboolean)
00183         GPOINTER_TO_INT (qof_book_get_data (book, PARTIAL_QOFBOOK));
00184     g_return_if_fail (partial);
00185     qof_object_foreach_type (set_each_type, book);
00186 }

Generated on Thu Jan 31 22:50:26 2008 for QOF by  doxygen 1.5.4